Millette shows off her new ring.
HBHS staff get engaged
Caroline Kroeger, News Editor
In the course of the 2016-2017 school year, four HB teachers have become one step closer to tying the knot. Matthew Barbosa, Catherine Orzech, Victoria Milette, and Eric Perry are newly engaged to their significant others.
Read about each engagement below

Barbosa set for a duet
On the night of November 5, HB choir teacher Matthew Barbosa proposed to his long-term girlfriend Katerina Nowik. The two have been together for three years and are looking forward to their future together. So, how did he pop the question? “I actually was going to to propose to [Katerina] back in August [2016],” said Barbosa “We had hiked the Lafayette Loop; my fiancee and I both love hiking....

Ionic, covalent, and romantic bonds
Physical Science and Biology teacher Catherine Orzech met her future husband, Nick Collard, on a blind date set up by a mutual friend. “We were both at the point where we had given up on meeting people,” Orzech said. “I know personally I thought, ‘What do I have to lose? If nothing else it’ll be a nice dinner.’” After dating for three years, Collard popped the question on August 5, 2016,...

Milette says yes
On March 1 Victoria (Tori) Milette, an English teacher at Hollis Brookline High School, got engaged to her boyfriend of two years, Lance.. The couple decided to take a trip up to Mountain View Grand Resort over February break. After they arrived at the resort, Lance asked her to play a guessing game. This game was one that the two frequently played; Lance would play a song, and Millette would have...

Perry pops the question
Eric Perry, a physics teacher here at HBHS, recently got engaged. He popped the question on March 4 in Maine, on East End Beach. Perry said, “There was a negative twelve degree windchill, and we were having fun running on the beach. When the wind died down for a few seconds, I decided to get down on one knee and ask her, and she said yes.” Perry explained how he was planning on taking her to a series of...
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