Day in The Life of a Junior

January 28, 2023

When considering all four years of high school it’s commonly believed that junior year is the most grueling. With SAT’s on the horizon and the social pressures of being an incoming “upperclassman” junior year often makes a perfect storm for most students.

On top of that most students elect to take multiple AP and Honors classes their junior year, 

adding onto the stress they are already under. Although it may be stressful, most juniors have a positive outlook and are equipped with all the tools they need to succeed. 

Bradley Noble is a current junior, and when asked about his thoughts on junior year he describes it as a “tasking year grade wise”. He mentioned that sometimes it can be challenging to keep up with the high demands from all of his classes. 

Currently, Noble is taking chemistry , Spanish 3, Apush, Economics, Civics, Foods, Us Lit, and Algebra 2. He also adds that this is the first year he has had without a study, and that makes things more difficult as well.

“It’s nice to have a parking spot, ” Noble mentions when asked what he enjoys about his junior year. He also mentioned enjoying connecting with his friends during school. Being almost halfway done Noble is excited for junior year to be a thought of his past and looks forward to his senior year, eventually moving on to the next chapter in his life. 

Bryce McElroy is also a current junior who finds this year challenging. McElroy’s classes consist of Us Lit, Spanish 3, Economics, Civics, 1 study, Honors chem, Algebra 2, TA/ for Whap, and Ceramics. He mentions that he spends around an hour a night on homework and is slowly starting to prepare for SATS. McElroy also enjoys being able to drive, and having a parking spot. 

Another stressor for Mcelory this year is thinking about his future. He says that “Having to think about college definitely causes me a lot of stress”. 

Much like the case for these two students, junior year is a turning point for most, and while it consists of many challenges, junior year is a way for kids to grow and take their first steps towards adulthood. 

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