What’s afoot?

Theater department prepares for fall performance

Patrick Grimes

The stage will soon be set for the fall production of “The Game’s Afoot” this November. Much renovation and remodelling will have to be done to create the final set, and many hours of work will be put in to make it show ready.

Nick Franzini, Staff Writer

The theater department at HBHS is working as hard as they can to prepare for one of their most ambitious shows yet. This November, in the theme of a murder mystery, the performance of “The Game’s Afoot” will take place. This play is a Sherlock Holmes murder mystery, with a healthy dose of humor and fun.


This year’s fall performance is unique in that it has attracted a record number of students to the theater department. Matthew Barbosa, a co-director of the theater department at HBHS said there will be many new performers, including many freshmen  eager to perform in their first high school production. In fact, there were so many people who auditioned that Barbosa and Gregory Parker, fellow co-director of the theater department, double casted the show. This way, the play will be directed by two different directors and performed with two entirely different casts. The directors will direct the show independent of one another and actors will interpret their characters differently, making each night a unique experience.


As preparations proceed, Barbosa reflects on his goals for the theater department and its plan for the future, “We want to continue to provide more opportunities for these kids through theater.” Barbosa says.


Frank Pugh ‘18, a theater veteran and lead actor, shared what it takes to prepare for a show like this. “We rehearse twice a week,” he said, “two hours per rehearsal.” In addition, preparing for the play involves ample time dedicated to memorizing lines and studying characters. But, all this preparation is not without reward.


“This play is way funnier than most of the plays that we’ve done before,” Pugh said. “It’s a lot more fun for the actors to do.”


But, as is the case with most school events, popularity and attendance of these shows can vary. Max Porter ‘18, shares his thoughts on the production. “I think the theme seems very interesting. I’m excited to see how the actors interpret their characters,” he says. “Also, it stars [my friends] Joe and Patrick as Sherlock.”

As the theater department continues to teach and inspire the next generation of actors and performers, the once humble club has slowly evolved into a staple of the HB community and a home for students of the arts.