New teachers transition to the new year

Michael Friedman

New Latin teacher Matt MacFarline sits at his desk, preparing for the day ahead of him. “I love it here at HB…I chose Hollis Brookline because of the community. There’s this really strong bond here between the students and the faculty. The students all want to learn here. I didn’t always get that same feeling in other areas,” said MacFarline.

Michael Friedman, News Editor

The beginning of the school year offers a rough transition between the easy-going summer months to the long trek of academic growth ahead. While every student remembers the harsh first quarter of freshman year, a stark difference from the middle school with which they had been acquainted, not many see the other perspective of the new year: the new teachers.

Some teachers have offered insight into the trials and tribulations involved in moving to a new school. Coming from all backgrounds, the new teachers at HB have a difficult job: win the favor of both fellow faculty and students alike. While all seem up to the challenge, the obstacles waive for no man.

With perspectives deriving from the likes of both inner cities and Catholic schools, the new teachers offer a wide range of experiences to share with the bright students of HB. “I knew the students were going to challenge me here,” says Greg O’Brien, a new social studies teacher. “I was not going to be able to rest on my laurels and I’d have to be on my game all the time.”

While all seemed impressed by the caliber of work effort and general competence of the student body at HB, they did express some desires for improvements in the school as well. One teacher felt as though the school could benefit from greater diversity. On the other side, another staff member mentioned the space issues seen in the school, citing the plans to bring the Robotics team back to the high school, the small size of the cafeteria, and fellow colleagues who do not have their own room. Another new teacher called on her past experiences to note her disillusionment with students having phones in the classroom. However, all commented on their satisfaction with the school as a whole, and their appreciation for the opportunity to work with bright, interested students.

“The students expect a lot from their teachers, and the teachers expect a lot from the students in return,” said O’Brien. “That’s a real nice environment to work in.”

In addition, the new teachers seem to have an aptitude for club and class creation. Lorna Spargo, the new tech teacher, is offering a video game programming class next semester, and is working to create a programming club. Matt MacFarline, the new Latin teacher, is currently working to create a Greek and Latin club.

The new teachers at HB are working hard to acclimate to their new environment and are doing a fine job of it.