Start of bowling season
Merrimack Ten Pin, the practice location for the bowling team, is a great place to hone one’s skills and test them against others.
January 11, 2018
A few weeks ago, the HBHS bowling team officially started their 2017-18 season. The team has competed in two meets, placing third in each. With the loss of so many talented seniors this past year, the team will be going through a rebuilding period, making this season a tough one.
At the beginning of the season, Coach Matt D’Attilio had somewhat low expectations for the young team, but was surprised by the amount of talent new bowlers displayed. “When the season first started I told Coach Robbins, I just don’t want to come in last place,” said D’Attilio, “but then I saw how good some of these new kids were; I really think they can make the tournament [at the end of the season.]”
This season alone has attracted many new people to the team. Bowling has become increasingly popular among underclassmen and upperclassmen alike. There are currently 36 people on the team, and only a handful are returning players–Nic Vahe ‘20 and Holly Cardoza ‘19 being among the few returning players to the team. Jack Sinclair ‘19, a recreational bowler, laments the fact that he can’t be on the team this year, saying, “I️ am a very busy boy. Bowling being a bountiful and beneficial bonding ball game, sadly butts against the business of my life, or I️ would be at the alley right now.”
Megan Cochran ‘18 is a senior on the bowling team this year. “I really like the bowling team because it’s a really chill and encouraging environment for all of the team members. We practice once a week and I always look forward to it. It’s a great time to hang out with friends by bowling, buying some snacks and having some fun. Everyone supports each other and strives to improve as a unit.” In addition, Cochran says, “The coaches for the bowling team have been extremely supportive and encouraging as I am learning the ropes of bowling. They are always there cheering on the members of the team and giving help and advice to everyone, helping us improve each practice.”
The bowling team at HB is great for the casual player who wants to have a good time with friends, but it is also good for the serious bowler looking to compete with other top players.