Nick Shepard accepted at Berklee

Lexie Vachon, Staff Writer

This past fall, Nick Sheppard 18’ auditioned at Berklee, one of, if not the biggest independent colleges of contemporary music today. This is a very competitive school with an acceptance rate of only 34%.

Sheppard has dreamed of going to this school all through high school, and he finally got the opportunity to showcase his skill on one of the biggest auditions ever.  Nick, who has played the drums for years, has acceled and  proven his talent time and time again. When going into the audition, Nick said “it was nerve racking, I had never done anything like it before.” These auditions can be quite intense since it was a one-on-one. “I played Won’t Get Fooled Again by the Who; I knew it was a risky choice and unconventional but I knew the song would represent me the best.” Nick mostly plays rock music, and he has been showcased in Hollis Brookline High School’s Guitar Night throughout high school. Last year, the school hosted British Invasion Night, where Nick performed in the band Abbey Road as well as another band, Odds and Sods. Not only did he open the show, but he played throughout the night.

Nick has gotten great support from his friends as well. They have watched him accel throughout the past four years. Allie Pattelena  18’, one of his closest friends said “he is very excited, it is cool to see how far he has come”. Shepard shared how influential his friends have been on his journey into becoming the drummer he is today. Jamison Mucksat 18’ said “he is great, he has great hair”.

When Nick got his acceptance letter from Berklee, he was unbelievably shocked. He “wasn’t expecting a yes at all”, but was amazed and over the moon that he had gotten into his dream school. Berklee is known all over the world. “With a diverse and talented student body representing 96 countries, and alumni who have collectively won more than 250 Grammys and Latin Grammys, Berklee is the world’s premier learning lab for the music of today and tomorrow.” Berklee is an amazing school and brings all of its student s to the next level that they need to succeed in the world of music. Going to such a prestigious school keeps Sheppard ‘excited for the future.”