Extended Learning Opportunity comes to HBHS
Dr. Dawn Breault is in charge of the ELO program at HBHS. She started the program last year, and has been working with career counseling for almost 15 years. “The purpose is to bring the world of work to life,” she said.
November 9, 2018
For some students, figuring out what they want to do as a career can be challenging. Introduced to HB last year, the Extended Learning Opportunity program (ELO) is a helpful tool for students who may be interested in a career, but are not sure if they would like to pursue it.
An ELO takes place outside the classroom, where students have the opportunity to either do an internship or a career study. Internships with companies and/or professionals in their fields of work are competency-based. When graded on this experience, they are very direct in their means: students either pass or fail.
Career studies are geared towards students who want to go into a specific career, but they do not have to be on site with the employer. These students must conduct independent research in the field of study, interview professionals and perform job shadows.
Dr. Dawn Breault is the ELO Coordinator/School Counselor, and is in charge of all ELOs at HBHS. She wants to help students find their passion for a career. “The whole point of an ELO is to bring the world of work and careers into your world now, prior to graduation,”said Breault.
Krystle Plumadore ‘19 is currently completing an ELO internship at the Early Learning Center of Milford, where she teaches young children. She thinks this is a great opportunity for people who have hesitations about their career. “I love my kids so much,” she said. “I would definitely recommend [an ELO] to anyone.”
Dana Ulrich ‘19 is also part of the ELO internship program. She is conducting her internship with the athletic trainer here at HBHS. “I learn how to tape, how to stretch athletes, as well as [work]- on the field during a game to assess injuries, and help an athlete when they come off the field,” she said. “If [students] do an ELO, then they really get to see hands on what it’s like to do something that they’re interested in for their career,” she said.
This is a fairly new program for HBHS. “I was hired last year, charged with developing the program,” said Breault. “There are several [other high schools in New Hampshire] that have really well-established programs that we’re looking to borrow ideas from and partner with.” The ELO program seems to be having a positive impact on the HBHS community. Both Ulrich and Plumadore are glad they took advantage of the opportunity.
Another aspect of the ELO program is the Career Cafe. The Career Cafe is an informational meeting where employers are brought to HBHS to meet with students and discuss their careers. “Students can ask questions and learn about the career directly from people involved with the job. Students ask about entrance requirements, what the pros and cons of the job are, starting salary, really anything they want to know about that career,” said Breault.
Recent guests at the Career Cafe include Special Agent Kimberly Blackwood from the FBI, and Kim Roy, the General Manager of the Hilton Hotel in Manchester. Bringing professionals to students can be a more effective way to distribute and share information.
You can keep up with the ELO program via their Twitter account, @EloHbhs, or by contacting Dr. Dawn Breault. Additionally, if you would like to request for anyone to visit the Career Cafe, feel free to reach out to Breault.