Senior year winds down
Ashley Mayo ‘19 sits with her calendar showing the school’s proposed graduation date. She can’t wait to “go onto bigger things,” after high school, and plans to go to college in the fall.
March 26, 2019
Senior year is simultaneously the most stressful and the most relaxed. College deadlines rapidly approach at the start of the year, the final seasons of sports wiz by, and the last chance to boost your GPA on the transcript is over too soon. Now in March, students are in the midst of receiving their acceptance status.
For seniors, the last year of high school flies by due to the sheer amount of work they have, such as jobs, sports, college prep, and school’s never-ceasing workload. Many seniors manage by finally having a more balanced year, as the amount of AP courses lessens, mixed with options that can help create a more relaxed environment. “I’ve taken less AP classes this year, which helps with the stress,” said Ashley Mayo ‘19. As seniors approach the end of their final year here at HB, the end goal becomes clearer than ever. It’s much “[f]aster than last year,” said Mayo. “September feels like a little while ago,” because of “specific deadlines,” said Mayo. Staggered admissions, scholarships and financial aid packages never give seniors time to breath, especially when they come “really fast,” said Mayo. Each student who applies to college can agree with Mayo, that managing recommendation letters, transcripts and filling out applications, are all time-consuming processes.
Similarly, every senior who plays a sport knows the emotional journey that comes with their last season. Seniors are known to care the most about the team. “We don’t have another chance,” said captain and savior of the basketball team, Dhruv Miglani, ‘19. Focusing on the season will make the school year appear to go by faster because the fact that this is the last season for the seniors looms overhead.
Seniors enter their home stretch as the fourth quarter starts April 5. As of Mar. 25, there are 9 weeks of school for them left, not including the last week of school, which is fondly called “seniors go on trips.” Meanwhile. the underclassmen have a whole 11 weeks including finals.
Time flies when you’re having fun, and any senior can attest that their last year is the most enjoyable. While the year whizzes by, it’s important to take time to smell the roses. Making sure to enjoy the final semester of high school, before each of the seniors bids farewells to teachers, faculty, and friends.
From all of us at Cav Chron, we wish the seniors the best of luck in whatever path they choose.