Retail Therapy makes a fashionable statement
The show was a huge success with a great message. “The only thing I would change is having the models come up in the right order every time,” Ella Holmes ‘22.
May 28, 2019
On the evening of Wed. May 22, Retail Therapy, the HBHS FACS fashion show, finally took the stage in a momentous way. Though the show did not go perfectly as planned, the success was substantial and the show was a considerable success.
The show opened with the introduction of the night’s MCs, Ella Holmes ‘22 and Matt Klotz ‘22, who would describe each model’s outfits. They stood on the edge of the beautifully decorated stage, adorned with flowers courtesy of Lull Farm. The two MCs took turns inviting each model onto the stage to showcase their chosen outfit. Each model’s outfit highlighted a different color and the choices behind each color was described by the MCs. Complementing music played as well while the models walked across the stage.
While it would seem stressful that in one circumstance, the models took to the stage in the wrong order, the night’s organizers took the problems in stride and the show was not impeded.
“I think because we did the show more laid back, it made [the show] more about the mental health… The people were more important than a perfect show,” said Stacey Willett ‘19, the show’s main coordinator.
This resiliency is what really highlighted the night for most of the attendees.
“There was so much confidence radiating off of [the models]. Here I was, in the audience, I could feel your confidence. I was confident watching you,” said Mackenzie Jusczak ‘21.
Mid-show, a representative from Bridges, Amy Jo Muscott, shared a powerpoint regarding mental health and how Bridges works to combat the stigma around it. The proceeds from Retail Therapy will be donated to Bridges. So far, the Fashion and Retail Merchandising class has collected more than $550 for the cause.
The show closed with a formal wear demonstration where the models walked in pairs and with outfits that coordinated. The music, energy and response from the crowd was the most memorable part of this section of the show. The energy was undeniable and the confidence amongst the models was envious to all audience members.
“We could really feel the support and the love behind [the show]. When everyone was cheering, yes, that was so cool,” said Victoria Lopez ‘20.
The Fashion and Retail Merchandising class proctors every other year here at HBHS. A positive response from the models seems as though more student- run fashion shows will occur in the future. The crew, made up of mostly underclassmen, will be well-equipped for another round of Retail Therapy next year.
The CavChron would like to congratulate the staff and students who crafted the impressive show.
For behind the scenes information on the show, click here.