Parking Problems
One of the current parking lots that provides 258 spots for students. It fits the majority of the upperclassmen, yet still leaves many students with no available spots. “I really like getting rides from my mom. Haha just kidding, I really wish I had a spot,” said Miles Montgomery ‘22.
January 29, 2020
Throughout the school year, many sophomores at Hollis Brookline High School begin to receive their licenses with some as early as the first month of school. However, with the limited student parking, sophomores are put on a waiting list behind the upperclassmen for a spot. New challenges arise for students because of this, especially for the class of ‘22 as it is one of the larger classes at HB.
After an incident in Apr. of 2016 where a student was injured crossing the street from one of the lower lots, the school made the decision to close it off. But now, many students who could have a parking spot at the school are unable to. “I wish we could add another sidewalk, or even a crosswalk so students can safely cross. There’s a huge empty lot we’re pretty much letting go to waste,” said Nicole Heiter ‘22.
Many students with their licenses currently have to find public parking around Hollis and walk up to the school everyday. With the cold weather in the winter months, and the fact that it is dark when most students finish after school sports, walking to their car can be very dangerous. Closing the lower lot may seem like it is limiting accidents, but in turn cause more danger by forcing students to go to further extents to be able to drive to school.
“I feel like its more dangerous to walk from the field to the high school than to cross the road to get to the lower lot. Especially as it gets icy and dark after school,” said Heiter, “I have sports every day, so taking the bus just isn’t an option.”
The student parking lots currently provides 292 total spots for students, which is intended to fit the majority of the junior and senior class. However, some upperclassmen are still left on a waiting list for a spot. Carson Bottomley ‘20 transferred to HB after the school year began and is still on the waiting list for a spot. “[Walking to my car] is not really dangerous, but inconvenient if I am in a rush,” said Bottomley.
With the number of students in each class growing over the past few years, there is a higher demand for parking spaces each year. The current sophomore class is a very large class at HBHS, and they are worried that the number of available spots will not be able to fit all of the students.
Although sophomores find it inconvenient to not be able to park at high school, they are grateful the school provides spots for upperclassmen that they’ll have access to next year. It is just one of the benefits of being an upperclassman and something the sophomores have to look forward to.