Five ways to keep yourself busy during quarantine
The Coronavirus has resulted in many people now trying to find ways to keep themselves busy, individuals are spending time doing more at home activities just trying to escape the boredom the stay-at-home order has brought. “Quarantine has been good for my art, because I really have nothing else to do so I’ve got more time to focus on it,” said Sam Hayes ’21.
April 28, 2020
Coronavirus has hit us surprisingly hard; there are orders to stay inside and avoid others, and boredom is setting in. With in person classes ending for the year and going longer without and seeing your friends, it’s important that we stay busy and create projects, to cure the unbearable boredom that is setting in. Watching new shows and movies is all fun in the beginning, but that can get old real quick. Quarantine doesn’t have to be negative when there’s a chance to complete a project you’ve always wanted to do, so why not take the opportunity and do so. Below are some ideas that might peak your interest in quarantine.

- Seek Adventure Outside
Being outside and connecting with nature is a great distraction to the world’s current status. It’s important we don’t spend each and every hour of the day on the screen, and instead, go outside to explore the great outdoors. Although most trails have shut down, that shouldn’t take away the opportunity to take a break from technology. You can check out all closed trails on the New Hampshire State Park website. Both Hollis and Brookline have neighborhoods that you, your family, and your dogs can walk around. If you’re not up for walking, you can still seek adventure in your own backyard by going out to get a breath of fresh air, laying in a hammock, or maybe planting something, such as a tree.
- Explore Your Creative Side
Quarantine shouldn’t stop your creative side; if anything it should provoke you to create more art pieces. “I’ve been drawing a lot, trying to incorporate love-craft themes into my art, as well as working on a big mural on some poster board,” said Sam Hayes ‘21. No matter your medium, take this moment to create plenty of projects for yourself. If you’re looking for ideas or inspiration, Pinterest is a great place to start, with a vast range of suggestions to inspire your creative side. “Time passes a lot quicker when you’re working on art so it’s easier to focus on that and not being trapped in the house when I’m doing my art,” said Hayes.
- Bake Up Something Tasty
The possibility of creating a project for yourself shouldn’t be withheld if you aren’t an artsy type of person. Whether you love to bake or have really never tried, this time stuck inside is a great chance to give yourself something to do. Cupcakes, cookies, and pies–there’s so much out there for you to try. “I make a lot of cookies, I find people really love to get cookies as a gift, and so I always have multiple kinds of cookies in my freezer, or I’m making different kinds. A hot thing right now is browned butter, salted chocolate chip cookies,” said Hollis resident Patti Tures who loves to bake. If that doesn’t entice you enough, just remember you get to eat your sweet creations after your hard work in the kitchen. You don’t even have to brave the grocery stores; with websites such as, Fridge to Table, just simply enter your ingredients and a range of recipe ideas will give you plenty of delicious treats to make.
- Create a Masterpiece
For those who aren’t artistic or fans of being in the kitchen, now’s the chance to create your ideal living space, or become an aspiring builder. There’s projects such as building doll houses, bird houses, shelves or side tables. is the time to build whatever your heart can imagine. There’s plenty of examples on what and how to build whatever on Build Something. There’s also the chance to redecorate your room to how you’ve imagined it from the start. Move some furniture around and generate your dream room in these difficult times.
- Delve Into New Sounds
Those who are musically inclined have more time to practice and make music.“Music has been a good project during quarantine, mostly because it just takes my mind off of what has been going on in the world right now,” said Will Holmes ‘22. Whether you’re practicing your chosen instrument or producing new songs, you may find yourself given more time to practice your passion in life. Given the time and being by yourself puts your mind to work in a variety of ways. “It benefits me because when you have so much time to yourself and alone your mind kinda goes places and you can become more creative,” said Holmes. His music can be found on Soundcloud. You can expect Holmes along with many other artists to be producing and releasing more music as the quarantine.
Self quarantine doesn’t have to be such a negative time: staying positive and DIY projects are a great way to distract from what is happening in the world right now. There’s plenty of ways to keep yourself busy with projects that appeal to you. By staying home, avoiding others, and washing your hands, you are doing your part to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. However this self quarantine can be made to be fun and entertaining for yourself and your family with just a little bit of creativity.