A Prom Like No Other

Brooke Allanach

Brooke Allanach ’21 is seen shopping for a prom dress, which is a huge deal to get the dress that fits the best. “The idea of going to prom sounds wicked fun, taking pictures, limos, dancing, having dinner and being with my friends and classmates,” said Allanach.

Joseph O'Reilly, Staff Writer

With Covid restrictions, it will certainly be an unusual prom. Currently Prom is scheduled for May 21 from 6-10 pm, but May 22 is the rain date if needed. Hollis-Brookline Seniors weighed in with their thoughts about their upcoming Prom and whether they liked the venue, food, and other choices made by the school for the event. 


With Covid restrictions, there will be a limit to how many underclassmen can go to prom this year. Senior student, Jack Duquette ‘21, is trying to bring his Junior date (Meaghan Coutu ‘22), but under Covid Guidelines, is concerned about not being able to. 


“Hopefully I can but if not it’s still gonna be nice to go and hang my friends…ideally I’d like to bring my date and I just wish there was an easier way I could get her a ticket,” said Duquette. Duquette is one of a handful of seniors that are currently left wondering if they can bring their underclassmen date. As well, this year, only HB students can attend prom, therefore those who are dating people from other schools will not be able to attend.


Panera will be catering at this year’s prom, highlighting their sandwiches that range from Turkey, Tuna, and Vegetable. 

 “I had mac n cheese there once and I didn’t really like it but the sandwiches they offered at prom kind of sounded heat.” said Spencer Murray ‘21. Although Murray had a poor experience with the mac and cheese, he thinks the sandwiches have a lot of potential.


“I am very excited for Panera. They gave us great options on the menu and have gluten free options as well, which i am very happy about!” said Aryssa Lebaron ‘21. With a gluten allergy, Lebaron faces the challenge with the main course being sandwiches. Luckily, they have gluten free options for those who need them. Both Murray and Lebaron seem to have a lot of optimism about the meal choices, even with Murray’s poor past Panera experience.


Another unusual event is having prom at Beaver Brook instead of usually being held at DoubleTree in Nashua, New Hampshire. With Covid protocols, the establishment could not hold the amount of people it normally would. Last year’s prom was at Alpine Grove outside, but was cut short due to weather inclements. 


“I would prefer Beaver Brook not only to get fresh air but I think it could be really nice,” said Lebaron. She loves the scenery there and is delighted about it. Beaver Brook is home to over 2000 acres of nature, and on a nice day is a very beautiful scene.


         Duquette felt similarly. “Honestly with how crazy this year has been I’m just happy we’re even having a prom at all so I’ll be happy with whatever,” he said. This year of chaos has left seniors being grateful for just having a prom. As many schools around the nation have cancelled there’s completely, or last year’s seniors having a 30 minute prom due to weather implications.

Murray stated on a different topic “I think we should be able to dance. No dancing means we’re all basically just dressing up to have dinner together.” There is a good possibility that there is no slow dancing allowed, which seems essentially the main focus of a prom. I feel like we should be allowed to slow dance, because it is one of our last big experiences in our high school life, and one of the main topics of interest at a prom. Individual dancing will be allowed regardless. Lebaron shared similar thoughts as she was “disappointed” about if slow dancing is not allowed.


        “Of course this year is kind of different, but I dont have the same energy and excitement. This is one of our last events of the year, and I’m sad there’s not going to be a sense of normalcy with wearing masks outside, having to be socially distant from friends outside while dancing. I know the schools are doing everything they can, so I guess we’ll just have to make the best of it for now.” said Allanach. She understands the schools Covid-19 concerns, but wishes that there could be a bigger sense of normalcy.


         All three of them seem disappointed about no dancing, but just want a sense of a normal prom with Covid-19 numbers slowing down, even though overall, they are grateful to just have a prom.


Although this will be an unusual prom, I believe HB Seniors will have the time of their lives, as this is one of the final events to the first chapter of all our lives. As we will move on next year, we will look back at this prom and remorse all the memories we had with our high school friends.