Teachers Get Mugged: Spreading Kindness at HB
Teachers who’ve been mugged display this outside their doors.
October 18, 2022
Teachers are getting mugged at school– and they couldn’t be happier. “Mugging” is when one teacher anonymously puts a mug on another teacher’s desk with goodies in it like candy, food, etc. Signs around the building on teachers’ doors say, “You’ve Been Mugged!”. Mugging has been used as a way to spread kindness throughout the school and start this year off on a positive note.
This trend seems to be relatively new and not many teachers have been mugged yet. Rebecca Balfour and Camille Carson hadn’t been mugged yet. They were not even sure what it was.
Social Studies teacher Rebecca Balfour had seen the signs up but was not sure what it meant. After hearing an explanation, she fell in love with the idea.
“If you can be anything in the world, why not be kind?” Balfour said, “Why not make people’s days?”
This is not only temporarily making others’ days, but it inspires others to keep the positive energy flowing. Balfour went on to say, “It makes me inspired to pay it forward”.
Balfour mentioned it reminds her of HB The Change– how they would decorate the doors of teachers to make their days.
Science teacher Camille Carson had been interviewed on this topic as well. She also had not heard of muggings before, but once she learned more, she grew quite fond of the idea.
Carson said that it is a “Super cute little moral boost”.
We’re not sure who started this trend or who’s making the signs, but we’re not rushing to find out. We’re excited to see where this mugging trend goes and all of the days this trend will brighten.