Senior Advice to Juniors

Zarina Nicholas, Staff Writer

Seniors have almost finished the final year of their high school careers. College applications are being sent in, gap years are being planned out, and others are ready to go right to work after school. Either way, seniors are full of advice to help the current junior class. So many seniors wish that they knew lots of information going into their senior year.

Senior year can be quite daunting for the junior class. The junior class is looking forward to college applications, graduation, getting the rest of your credits and much more. Making sure to keep yourself grounded and calm entering senior year is very important. Seniors are filled with advice to help maintain this.

Junior, Savannah Duquette, is powering through her junior year strong with challenging classes and is ready for her senior year. While the junior year is a very fun-filled year, there are lots of stressors to it. Getting through midterms has been hard, but I am managing them well”. Duquette is currently in six classes. She hopes to take film studies, AP physics, and sociology. Duquette is finishing her junior year with strong grades and is excited for her senior year. 

Duquette is looking forward to graduation and coming to the end of her high school career. She is nervous about college applications but is confident she will successfully get through them. While senior year is a scary year to enter, Duquette is expecting it to be much easier than junior. 

Senior Ella Cunanan is finishing her senior year off strong by being the captain of the varsity swim team, taking part in a CTE class, as well as taking lots of honors/advanced classes. Cunanan hopes to go to college in the coming year. Cunanan is currently in the process of submitting college applications. “Make sure you have a plan when you’re ready to apply to college, don’t wait until the last minute like I did,” she said.

“I underestimated how long it would take to write my college essay,” Cunanan explains. College essays are meant to help colleges get to know you outside of your transcript. Because of how important these are, they often take much longer than a regular essay. Making sure you block out a significant amount of time to write this is extremely important. It is common to have multiple rewrites before it is to your liking.

Senior Jenna Russell is finishing off her senior year with lots of support from her friends and family, “I have leaned on my mom a lot this year, she’s helped me through all of the hard parts of this year.”Although there are some rough parts through the year, Russell reminds herself that this year goes by fast, and should be made as fun as possible.

Making sure to have outlets outside of school is very important. Russell is currently in her final high school season of cheerleading after 4 years. “I’ve used cheer as an outlet for my whole life, it helps me get out built-up energy from the school day.”

Going into senior year is uncharted territory for juniors. Some might be excited about it, and some may be nervous. The important thing is to have fun in your final year of high school and make sure to remember that you are coming to the end of a major time in your life. “I never thought I would make it to this point… I’m proud that I did,” said Russell.