UNH stands up to bullying

Maddy Snow at the UNH bullying convention with Lizzie and her signature
November 26, 2013
On Friday November 15, a group of ten HB students traveled up to UNH for a convention on bullying. Held in the Whittemore Center, thousands of students came together to listen to speakers and learn how to counteract bullying. STAND UP is a program that was created in 2011 by Empower Peace. Over the last few years they have held other conferences in Boston and Lowell with large turn outs.
Students included seniors: Daniel Bentall, Logan Blake, Jess Ciarcia, Cole Gallant, Sydney Gillis, Shea Whalen and Maddy Snow as well as juniors: Lucas Cummings, Hugh Devlin and Matt Fothergill. Officer Bergeron joined in on the field trip as well.
The purpose of this convention was to bring awareness to teachers and students about the bullying that goes on everyday in schools. During the day schools met for a “town meeting” and then exchanged ideas and made an action plan with a neighboring school. Not only did schools interact but there were also inspirational speakers to help encourage students. Logan Blake, ‘14, said, “ The most inspiring speaker to me was Lizzie Velasquez, the way she was able to overcome her problem and become a public speaker for bullying.”
Although only a few students went to this bullying convention it shouldn’t just be something that happens one day a year. Bullying is something that goes on everyday for some people and can begin at a very young age. Stand up for bullying not only because it is the right thing to do but also for the person on the other side.
For more information on this program visit http://standuptobullyingnh.org/speakers.html