Ted Lasso is an Apple TV original series based on an attempt by NBC to bring Premier League soccer to American sports viewers. However, the true beginning of the character is from back in 2001 when two friends named Brendan Hunt and Jason Sudekis created Ted Lasso in Amsterdam. They had no idea how much more would come from the silly American who doesn’t understand anything about football and its impact on the world.
This series has become very popular among viewers, leading to its nomination of 20 Emmys in 2021. This is likely due to the many difficult conversations and issues the characters go through.
Many fans, such as Caryssa Sutherland ‘27, think about various themes regarding how loyalty to yourself and your teammates can make a huge difference in your life.
Ted Lasso faces many struggles over the three-season, 34-episode series, including his divorce from his wife who lives back in the United States. Another example is how his boss, Rebecca Welton, hired him to ruin her ex-husband’s favorite club or his mental health struggles, like his panic attacks.
Roy Kent (played by Brett Goldstein) is an ex-football player and captain turned assistant coach at AFC Richmond. Roy starts out as an angry person who won’t take crap from anyone. Throughout the series, he grows to become more confident in his personal connections and leadership skills.
Other characters like Jamie Tartt (played by actor Phil Dunster), go through significant character arcs throughout the series to better themselves. Jamie’s development through the series shows him maturing from a young famous footballer to a well-mannered one. Jamie’s relationship with other characters has also improved over the seasons. Roy Kent, player turned coach, helped Jamie become this better person; they had training sessions together where Roy would help Jamie improve his fitness and ball skills. These sessions were helpful to both of their personal journeys. These ideas are seen in similar shows like Brooklyn-Nine-Nine, or The Good Place.
Ted Lasso is an amazing series that has many learning moments for watchers.