Advisory timing at Hollis Brookline High School (HBHS) has changed in the schedule, and it has both benefits and disadvantages. During the first semester, advisory ran right after Period 1. During the second semester, in 2025, advisory moved to after Period 2 right and before CAVBlock to ensure all students can attend advisory.
“If [the schedule] changes, I’ll be here to attend advisory,” said HBHS junior Emily Landers ‘26. Beyond Landers, there are many students who have Career Technical Education (CTE) courses at other schools, senior options or junior privileges in the morning. Some of these students don’t come in for first period and end up just skipping advisory so they can go in later.
Advisors have shared similar sentiments about their own students. “I think it will be more beneficial because currently, right now, I have a student in my advisory who never gets to come because she has morning CTE. If it was before CavBlock, she would be able to attend,” said advisor and English teacher Jordan Cormier.
Many students have personal experiences with people in their advisories skipping or being unable to attend because of CTE. “It would be beneficial to everyone, because half my advisory isn’t there,” said Landers.
While some are looking forward to the change, others view it negatively. “I like to have a break between both of my classes, so I feel like having advisory and then CAVBlock is kind of stupid. I feel like more people would be prone to skip that and go home for a bit because it’s an hour,” said HBHS senior Ava Porto ‘25.
For students like Porto, they won’t be able to have that small break after first period and before second period to talk to friends and connect with their advisor. “Seniors might try to wander during advisory because they don’t have a specific place to be for CAVBlock,” added Cormier.
There are definitely both advantages and disadvantages to the advisory time change, but whether the schedule changes or not, there will always be a chance of conflict.