Results for Wednesday: Sept 21

Sports Results

Field Hockey : Nichole Bourque netted two today, while Sofia Barassi and Meg Hill each added one en route to the Cavs’ victory over Milford, 4-2. Izzy Keefe and Jacqueline Hale chipped in with assists. Goalie Emily Dvareckas had a few key saves and had great defensive help from Rachel Dvareckas and Maddie Kuchta.


Golf : The Golf team lost close matches to Portsmouth and Hanover.


Unified Soccer : The Unified Soccer team lost to Londonderry by a score of 8-4.  Josh Kyrias scored all 4 goals for the Cavaliers, while Eastman Chandler, Liam Walker, Kristina Radosavljevic, Aidan Keehan, Katelyn Heidel, and Tim Belanger all played great games.