Weekend sports schedule

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Girls Basketball at SNHU for the NHIAA Division II Girls Basketball Championships. Game time 7pm , opponent – Lebanon. Admission fee : Adults-$ 8 and Students – $ 6. Wear Blue to show your support for the Cavaliers.


Games for Saturday – March 11th :


Boys Basketball hosts NHIAA Division II Boys Basketball Quarterfinal game. Game time 7pm , opponent – Manchester West. Admission fee : Adults- $ 5 and Students – $ 3


Reminders :


Impact Testing during Cav Blocks next week in first floor lab ( Room141A): Tuesday – Tennis and Boys Volleyball ; Wednesday – Track . Please be on time at the beginning of the Cav Block to insure completion of the test.


The Winter Sports Awards night will be held on Tuesday , March 14th at the Middle School , starting at 6:30pm.


Spring Sport tryouts begin on March 20th for all sports except for Boys Volleyball which starts the week after. Athletes will be able to sign up for their sports on myschoolbucks when they return after the break. Impact (concussion testing) will also be offered in the first weeks of March during Cav Block. Please look on the athletic page of the school website for more information about the impact testing.


In order to tryout for a spring sport you must complete the following:
* registration thru myschoolbucks.com
* pay the athletic fee
* have a current physical ( less than 2 yrs old for 10th-12th graders, less than 1 yr old for freshmen)
on file with the nurses office
* have taken the impact testing or have parent signed waiver
* taking 5 classes currently in the 3rd quarter and have passed 4 classes in the 2nd quarter