Games and Results: March 13

Sports, Writer

The Boys Basketball team defeated Merrimack Valley 46-43 in the semi-finals of the Division II NHIAA Basketball Trn at UNH. It was great seeing such a large turnout for the team including students,staff and alumni. Next up is the State Championship game on Saturday at 3pm vs Oyster River. Also, a reminder to students, at the conclusion of the game you cannot go onto the court. Please stay in the stands and after the awards ceremony the players will come over to the sidelines.

Fan Bus
There will be a fan bus for the event and if interested please see Mrs. Balfour to sign up and pick up a permission form that must be signed by parent. There are a limited number of seats so this is first come,first served. Bus time is scheduled for 1pm.
Reminders :

Winter Sports Awards night has been re-scheduled for Monday (March19th)  for 6:30pm in the auditorium. Teams that would like to meet earlier will be in classrooms at 6pm.

All athletes interested in playing a spring sport must register on my school bucks prior to the first day of try-outs(March 19th). In addition, if you need an impact ( concussion) test please email the trainer, Mike Thompson, at [email protected] to set up an appointment. If you have any questions please stop by the AD office