Kim Jong Un, Where is He?

 Kim Jong Un before his disappearance from social media and the world. On April 11, before the most important holiday in North Korea, Kim Jong Un disappeared and hasn’t been seen since. There is a reason why he had to have missed it, either being sick, hiding away or planning on something else.  “I can’t see another reason why he would miss the holiday, something has to be holding him back from coming out into the public,” said Tim Leclerc ‘21.


Kim Jong Un before his disappearance from social media and the world. On April 11, before the most important holiday in North Korea, Kim Jong Un disappeared and hasn’t been seen since. There is a reason why he had to have missed it, either being sick, hiding away or planning on something else. “I can’t see another reason why he would miss the holiday, something has to be holding him back from coming out into the public,” said Tim Leclerc ‘21.

Quinn Connors, Staff Writer

Rumors have been spreading about Kim Jongs Un’s disappearance. Some have said that he is very ill, some say he is dead, and some say he is alive and well, but which one is true? On North Korea’s most important holiday, the Day of the Sun,  Kim Jong Un was not to be seen. On this day, North Korea celebrates the founder and first leader of North Korea, Kim Il Sung. When Kim missed out on this holiday questions started to rise. 

Kim was last seen in public on April 11, and the disappearance that Kim Jong Un had on that holiday is something people of North Korea would think as unthinkable. After that, the media started to speculate on where he was at. If he was dead, who would take control?  

If he were to die, it would be hard to see who would be next in line to take control over a heavy nuclear armed nation with over 25 million people. There is no clear favorite when it comes to this question, but there is a possibility that it could become his sister, Kim Yo Jong. “If she does take control, North Korea would be a different place, however it is hard to say how much of a difference it would be. I believe that she would act the way like her brother Kim but lead with a different style,” said Tim Leclerc 21’, interested as to what could happen in North Korea at this time. 

This is not the first time that Kim Jong Un has disappeared. Back in 2014, he was gone for a whole month where when he came back, he was walking with a limp. Now, he has not been seen for over two weeks now after his surgery had happened on his heart. “ Maybe he disappeared because he doesn’t want outsiders to think that he or his country has any weakness, so by trying to not make any public or divulge any information to the rest of the world, he is essentially keeping us in the dark about what is truly going on in North Korea,” said Zach Sommer  21’, knowing information about North Korea and the Kim Jong Un incident. 

He is not the one who people would consider healthy by all means. In his family they have a common tendency to have heart problems. Kim Jong Il, who led North Korea before Kim Jong Un, died of a heart attack.  Kim Jong Un weighs more than an average person and on top of that he smokes as well. This is not the first time that Kim Jong Un had to leave for medical attention because he has had surgery before. 

Another speculation is he could be hiding away from the outbreak as well being protected at all costs. “Maybe North Korea is being ravaged by the virus, we don’t know, as they never release details about it. It would be hard for the virus to get in with the borders closed, but it is possible,” said Josh Parr 21’, who likes to keep up with the current news and finds interest in the topic. 

Wherever he could be as of now, people are unsure of his health until North Korea releases information about him. Ideas are floating over that he may be in Wonsan, where his personal train is. Concerns about him are still high and it is hard to tell what is truly going on with him and North Korea.