Writer’s Club Has Exciting Plans for New School Year

Cameron Rockwell

Annabelle Jesse, writer’s club president

Cameron Rockwell, Media Editor

After getting a new club advisor, Magister MacFarline, Writer’s Club is back in business for the ‘22-’23 school year. Writer’s Club isn’t just for experienced writers; students just beginning to write can join as well. Annabelle Jesse ‘23, president of the club for the second year in a row, encourages students to join. The club meets every other Tuesday.

“She brings enthusiasm, imagination, passion for the topic,” MacFarline said when asked why Jesse makes a good president, “and a keen interest in both the process and the product of writing, making her the ideal president of this club.”

Writer’s Club isn’t for just writing–they will also be focusing on learning about writing. Phoebe Constantineau ‘23, a member of the club, said that she is looking forward to learning more about poetry, sonnets and focusing on various poets and their writing styles.

Constantineau is also looking forward to the free writing aspect of the club, a break from the rubrics and restrictions when writing essays in class. MacFarline plans to participate in the club himself and is excited to share his love of reading and writing with his students.

This year, Jesse has hopes for the club to create and publish a printed literary magazine for the school. This will showcase poetry and writing from not only members of the club, but anyone in the school who chooses to participate.

“Poetry and writing were meant to be both seen and felt,” MacFarline said when told about this idea. “Everyone brings their own unique approach to writing and that variety should be showcased and celebrated!”