Juicing, a spring favorite
Homemade juice can’t be beat.
Health fanatics are always on the hunt for a new trend and juicing seems to be the next big thing. However for every positive to a health craze there are always downsides as well.
Juicing is taking fruits and vegetables and putting them through a juicer which gets rid of the pulp or fiber of the item and gives you the nutrients and vitamins in the form of a juice. For those that aren’t a fan of eating their veggies this can be a great solution to still getting the daily doses of nutrients needed. The downside however, is that the fiber is left out. As long as those who juice keep this in mind it isn’t a problem. Aside from the lack of fiber those who are interested in juicing must also keep in mind that it is not a replacement for meals and that keeping juice is not the best idea. The nutrients and vitamins are at their prime right after they come out of the juicer and taste best fresh. Many think that juicing is just for fruity drinks that taste good, but this is not true.
Juicing can be done with almost every vegetable and fruit with different results and tastes. Greens such as kale, cilantro, parsley, celery and cucumbers are a few good healthy choices along with carrots, beets and apples to add a bit of sweetness. Ginger is the perfect ingredient to add a zip to any juice and is good for colds. All of these fruits and vegetables should be organic of course and be sure to wash them before putting them through the juicer. All of these fruits and vegetables also have great health advantages including regulating your digestive system, as well as helping with minor problems such as headaches or the common cold.
With spring right around the corner what better way to get ready than with fresh healthy juice that results in eye-popping colors.

Lauria Patz is a senior at Hollis Brookline High School and has been writing for the paper, both the former CavChron print edition and for the new CavChron...