Summer jobs: How to get ahead

Liam Flaherty, Staff Writer

It’s almost that time of year!

Every spring, thousands of high-school students around the country apply for summer jobs. Whether it’s a small fast-food joint or a large supermarket, a job is a great challenge for a teenager to take on. Jobs look great on resumes, add experience, and can also provide a nice income for kids who may need some extra cash.

According to Hollis-Brookline High School guidance counselor Julie Sullivan, “One’s ability to maintain a job indicates to future employers and admissions reps a strong work ethic, integrity, punctuality, time management, communication skills, and ability to get along with others to name a few.”

It’s important to apply in the spring, because many other kids wait nearly until summer.The earlier the application is filled out and in the hands of the employer, the better. Handing in a summer job application at the right time can show your motivation and drive for the position that you are applying for.

And the benefits of a summer job aren’t just for the company–they can help students as well. A work schedule would add structure to the summer and also provide some good money.  “I’m excited to have a little income so I don’t have to borrow money from my friends all the time,” said Eric Wing ‘16.

Some parents even like to see their kids get a summer job. Nathaniel Lindsay explained his situation by saying, “I applied to a few places this weekend. My mom made me. She thinks it’ll keep me out of trouble”.

A summer job for a high school student can be so much more than money. It is a great way to soak in work ethic and thinking. A job would allow a student to make money, grow as a person and gain experience in the modern, working world.