‘DOS’ for the GSA
Ms. Evans supporting the Day of Silence.
May 1, 2016
The Day of Silence happens every year; this year it fell on Friday, April 15. The Day of Silence is an annual event that is sponsored by Gay Straight Alliances (GSA) all across the country. Participants can take the vow of silence for the day to help bring attention to the silencing effect as well as bring attention to the anti-LGBT community (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender). The day is used to hopefully bring an end to bullying and harassment towards LGBT students.
By taking the vow of silence you are showing your support for LGBT rights. It helps to make significant leaps towards creating safe environments for students as well as a society. If you can’t take the vow of silence, students may also show their support by wearing a rainbow ribbon to represent LGBT support.
Latin teacher Lara Evans is the advisor of the GSA Club which meets every other Friday in room 174. They promote the motto; “We believe everyone has the right to feel safe being themselves.” The club forms to help with isolation and depression related to school. The group works on answering any questions students may have ,as well as spreading awareness to various LGBT topics.