How well do you know your teachers?

Shannon Fitzpatrick, Staff Writer


At Hollis Brookline High School, we are very fortunate to have some amazing teachers.

Each student has at least one teacher that they feel they know pretty well. In some cases, students have been coached by a teacher and have learned about them that way. Other students may hear stories from their teachers during class. However we’re able to learn about our teachers, most of the time it is just a reminder that they are human too.

Some of our teachers have accomplished truly amazing things from participating in the Peace Corps, to running a triathlon. Some of our other teachers have some very interesting hidden secrets that make them who they are.

Lots of fun facts about the staff of HBHS are about to be exposed.

Even when our teachers were young, they were able to participate in some truly incredible things. Lara Evans, the Latin teacher, was just 12 years old when JFK was assassinated. Evans was fortunate enough to attend his funeral.

Close to the home of HBHS, Becky Balfour used to be in a rock band during high school. The band took 2nd place at the 1986 HB Battle of the Bands. Unfortunately, they lost to band who was covering the Grateful Dead.

Also at HBHS, we have some very adventurous teachers who always seem to be seeking their next thrill whatever that may be.

Mark Illingworth pushed himself to take a mime camp in his 40’s. He stated very excitingly, that the same man who invented the motion of “being trapped in a box” was teaching at this camp.

Adam Wilcox and Ann Melim were able to go outside of the country and endeavor on some pretty amazing adventures. On a trip to Thailand, Wilcox was able to ride an elephant.  Melim had a dream of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro (located in Africa and the highest freestanding mountain in the world) for a very long time. In 2013, she was finally able to accomplish this crazy, exciting task that she had her mind set too.

Some of our other teachers do specific things in their everyday life that shape them as a person.

Rod Clark, having a passion for science, enjoys participating in many outdoor activities such as fly fishing, paddle boarding and kayaking.

The very famous Michael Fox stated that almost every morning he is awake at 4am and spends about a half an hour reading poetry.

Annie Faucher, explained that her French Canadian comes into play while enjoying a game of floor hockey with friends.  

No matter what our teachers interests are, they each have something that inspires them to get up and come to work everyday.

Evans quickly responded with advice that I think every person needs to hear, “You have to be brave and take chances and that’s what I’ve done my entire life.”

This was a reminder, to make sure that we take the time to get to know everyone around us, as they are an individual. Slow down and enjoy life!

One day, we will have exciting stories of our own to share but until then, take this as a reminder to enjoy listening to others experiences. After all, they tell a lot about a person.