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The student news site of Hollis Brookline High School

The CavChron

The student news site of Hollis Brookline High School

The CavChron

The student news site of Hollis Brookline High School

The CavChron

Austin Bumpus

Austin Bumpus, Co Editor-in-Chief

Austin Bumpus is a senior at Hollis/Brookline High School and co-editor of The CavChron LINE, alongside Sara Swabowicz. He is captain of the wrestling team, and is a former Sports Editor, Feature Editor, and Assistant Editor. Having already done two years in the Journalism program, Bumpus became Co-Editor-in-Chief. His interests include playing/writing about sports, and prefers to write sports and feature pieces. He hopes to study Journalism in college and pursue a career in this after college.

All content by Austin Bumpus
"The Big Gurl Brigade" consisting of Ryan Kinney, Jared Noftle, and Casey Wilson, '14, standing with their trebuchet.

[Photo] Trebuchet talk

Sara Swabowicz, Co Editor-in-Chief
April 23, 2014
Everything adds up for the Math Team

Everything adds up for the Math Team

Austin Bumpus, Co Editor-in-Chief
April 17, 2014
Ashley Skey is one of the experienced girls on the team ready for the season to start

Softball season starting up

Austin Bumpus, Co Editor-in-Chief
March 26, 2014
Shea Farrell committed to play Division III college football for the Utica Pioneers

Farrell picks the Pioneers

Austin Bumpus, Co Editor-in-Chief
March 18, 2014
The Penny War is running throughout the week for Spirit Week festivities

Staying in the loop at Hollis Brookline

Austin Bumpus, Co-Editor-in-Chief
February 11, 2014
Hollis Brookline boys heating up

Hollis Brookline boys heating up

Austin Bumpus, Co-Editor-in-Chief
February 6, 2014
Super Bowl Snow-day?

Super Bowl Snow-day?

Austin Bumpus, Co Editor-in-Chief
January 25, 2014
Emma Newton competing in the Coach Korcoulis Invitational in the fall for cross country

Running a mile in her shoes

Austin Bumpus, Co Editor-in-Chief
January 8, 2014
Photo Credit

Sports impact on student athletes

Austin Bumpus, Co-Editor in Chief
October 23, 2013
Time is ticking for the seniors applying to their schools.

College chaos

Austin Bumpus, Co Editor-in Chief
October 9, 2013
The football team huddled around Coach Bergskaug

One team, one family, one purpose

Austin Bumpus, Co-Editor-in-Chief
September 22, 2013
The scaffolding used for filiming and the teams' coaches at Coach Korcoulis Field
Photo Credit: Austin Bumpus

Hollis Brookline boxed out

Austin Bumpus, Co-Editor-in-Chief
September 19, 2013
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